Project 02 Title: City Houses, City Dreams
Curricular connections: Technology, Art/Design, Social Studies, Language Arts, Math, etc
Synopsis: Imagine the house of your dreams! Draw it on paper, showing views from all sides and the top.
Build a model of it out of oak tag or stiff paper.
Draw the same house on the computer.
Conclude with a poem about your imaginary house.
Key Questions:
What are the characteristics which make a building a house?
What are the geometric shapes found in a house?
What are the components of a house? What purposes do they serve?
What are the similarities and differences between housing styles?
What are the similarities and differences between the models and computer renderings?
Text resources, Input device (digital camera, scanner), Computer, Art materials
Walking tour of the neighborhood around the school. Bring digital camera if possible.
Class discussion on the walking tour. Share images from digital camera.
Each student creates 3-D model of a house from a drawing, makes a series of drawings on the computer, writes a poem about their imaginary house.
Be sure to include lessons on measurement and key words (scale, shape, proportion, etc)
Concluding activities
Discussion and oral presentations
Using student volunteers, document the process with camera and writing. Have students organize as “a publishing house”. Publish your project.
The next freebie...
© Michael Gerrish - This lesson may be used freely with attribution