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Project 01 Title: A Stamp of Approval
Curricular connections:  Technology, Art/Design, History/Social Studies/Civics, etc
Synopsis:  Imagine yourself as a hero, an important person in history! 
What did you accomplish in your life to earn the honor of being on a stamp? 
Key Questions:
What is a postal stamp?
What are the key components of postal stamp design?
What is a hero? What are the qualities that make someone a hero?
Materials: Text resources, INTERNET, Input device (digital camera, scanner), Computer, Art materials
Working in teams
Select subject and gather key information from text and INTERNET
Connect with research on postal history 
Then individually 
Choose image for stamp, redraw on paper or on computer 
(Could also use digital camera or scanner to input image into computer)
Choose text for stamp
Combine text and image on paper or via computer to create stamp design 
Concluding activities
Discussion and oral presentations
With older students you may ask them to imagine the following 
It is 2100 AD and they are dead. What did they do to earn the honor of being on a stamp?
The next freebie...

© Michael Gerrish - This lesson may be used freely with attribution

© Michael Gerrish   All rights reserved